When I hear Barack Obama say that business owners didn't build their businesses, I instantly think of my father. He is a plumber, used to be on Cape Cod and is now in Maine. I remember as a kid watching him work 10 hours a day, five-and-a-half days a week. And this wasn't sitting at a desk in an air conditioned office. This was manual labor, lifting pipes and risking severe cuts and burns, in the freezing cold, hot humidity, wet rain, scorching sun...every weather condition imagineable. He did it so he could feed his family.
He also paid taxes. Those taxes, to the town, state and Federal governments, helped build roads and bridges. They helped educate his children. They helped educate him.
Neither my father nor anyone else I know has any problem with paying taxes to do those things. That is the essential function of government. Creating roads, educating children...Despite knowing some very conservative people, I have never heard any of them say taxes should be abolished, or that the government should not have these rolls.
The problem is that the government goes beyond these rolls, and Obama's government goes way behind them. Taxes go to frivolous government research. They turn into government subsidies for the friends of the President and other elected officials.
When Obama lectures us about the government, not people, building businesses, his underlying message is that businesses and successful people should pay higher taxes because without that government, they wouldn't have a business at all. Business can flourish just fine with limited government; It is the government that cannot grow with limited business. Ask the Russians and Cubans; They have tried.
The deeper problem with his mismanaged statement is the lie about where increased tax dollars go. Obama does not want higher taxes to build more bridges and roads, or increase the ability of small corporations to conduct business. He wants the increased money to hand over to people in entitlement programs. That's the "fair" thing to do, he says. Yet these entitlement programs have never built a single business or created a single job except to manage the government programs themselves. He has no interest in building roads; He has every interest in handing out checks.
It's shameful to see the President try to buy votes with government handouts, all on the backs of my father, my partner and myself.
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