OK, OK. I know - lots of Jesus stuff today. But I couldn't pass this one up. The Lufkin Daily News in Texas is running an opinion piece about how it is actually Christian to be homophobic.
There are so many great quotes from this column, written by local David Hunt, that I couldn't possibly reprint them all here. But, here are a few gems:
"The homosexual lifestyle is sexual suicide." Funny, my sex life has thrived since coming out!
"Homosexuality is, by its very nature, sexual rebellion." And?
"However, most, if not all, of
those who warn against participation in or acceptance of the homosexual
lifestyle have a genuine love and concern for those they are warning." Honey, your job is not to warn anybody.
"Researchers claim homosexuals reported more psychological distress than heterosexuals." Duh - given your hateful column, I wonder why THAT might be!
You too can send a letter to the editor - I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.
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