The 22nd (believe it or not) annual Toys For Tots party in Manhattan will have some familiarity and some changes. The biggest changes are a $35 ticket price and a need to buy a ticket in advance of the party. The beauty of the party in the past is that it's cost the price of a toy to get in. That has opened it up for anyone who can pull together $10 in change to buy a toy. Unfortunately, this year it's going to cost $45 (the ticket and a toy, which will be at least $10), and some people who get priced out of every other fun gay party will be priced out of this one, too.
I know it doesn't seem like a lot to most of the affluent gay Manhattanites who go to these things, but $45 is just out of the price range of many people, gay or straight. It's my constant complaint about gay culture: That it is elitist because the "lower class" is kept out of the who's-who parties. This party was always the exception to that rule. Oh well. I'm sure the organizers have good reason for wanting to raise $70,000 in ticket prices, so this isn't a criticism of them. It just sucks that this one great annual party is evolving into every other higher-priced gay gala.
One thing kind of does bug me a bit. Maybe this is how it's always been, but I never realized it. Three of the organizations this event is benefitting are religious institutions: Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, Brick Presbyterian Church, and St. Ann's Episcopal Church. Given I have no desire to support any religious institution, chances are I'll (sadly) be skipping this year, unless Dan tells me I have to go. There are no good NFL games that afternoon, so maybe.
Party specs:
Toys For Tots 2007
Metropolitan Pavilion (125 W. 18th Street)
Sunday, Dec. 2, 5pm-9pm
You must by a ticket in advance
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