On our trip to Aspen, I was introduced to a wonderful game called Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot. When our friend Matthew told us we would be playing it the first night we were there, I was very skeptical. I had done my time playing Candyland with my niece. Luckily, she had at least graduated to Yahtzee. To be on vacation and forced to play a simple-minded kids game? Ugh.
Boy was I wrong. To be sure, the mood of the game can only get so serious. I mean, you're trying to kill other players' bunnies by starving them or attacking them with green gelatin while trying to keep your own bunnies alive and collect carrots. Within all of that is a game that involves several different ways to win, luck and a careful crafting of strategy that can lead to anyone's victory.
Dan and I loved the game so much that we went and bought the game and the next four extensions on ebay. If you love games, go buy yourself the blue starter deck. Or, if you're in New York, hit me back and we'll try to squeeze you into our den for a rousing game someday soon.
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