It’s been a long time since I posted on this blog. It’s been an incredibly busy time for me. But time is freeing up a little; and, I found the impetus I have been looking for to start up again.
The gentleman to the left is Alan Roskoff, a gay activist and a Democrat Party operative (with far less influence than he thinks; never mind googling him, he's not important enough to show up on their search). I saw him on the street Thursday night; he used to kiss my ass to come to his two-bit political events when I was at the New York Blade. He started berating me, calling me an asshole, calling me homophobic and saying he wishes I wasn’t gay. All because I wrote an article for the New York Blade four years ago about illegal gay sex at the David Barton Gym. He kept telling me that I should have never potentially injured the reputation of someone like David Barton. He told me gay men should be able to have sex wherever they want. He said people should be able to do drugs whenever they want. And my column advocating a stop to public gay sex that infringed on the rights of other gym patrons somehow made me unworthy of being gay.
Alan Roskoff and Democrat idealogues like him are the reason I keep speaking and writing; they are the reason I am starting up again. People like Alan are the reason the Democrat Party cannot gain control of this country, because the small-minded hate they preach is of the very worst, most hateful, most divisive kind. It is compassionless and it is driven by a selfrighteousness that diminishes other people. There are plenty of people who hold the beliefs he holds but ho are kind and generous and open-minded; unfortunately, those people have handed control of the Democrat Party to people like Alan.
So I’m blogging again. And I’m looking forward to it. Thanks Alan!
wtf, I would never go to that gym beause its all NYC yuppie gay all the time. That gym is totally gay, wtf if people are having sex there in the sauna, yeah sex in the gay gym sauna is worst than ltr people having three ways and trying to wrap themselves in the establishment, yea ok.
Posted by: studd | September 22, 2008 at 03:42 PM
Welcome back, Cyd. I so enjoy reading your blog.
I think that people like Alan are who give the gay community a bad name. So many "straight" people believe that what he tries to promote, casual sex and drugs, is what all gay men and woman are like. It is sad....but true. All families should be fortunate enough to have a gay child like you. You have always been true to who you are and Alan doesn't know what he has pitted himself against!! Go, Cyd...
Love, Mom
Posted by: Mom | June 23, 2008 at 05:39 AM
I remember that column that you wrote and agreed with 100% of it.
He sounds like he needs to grow up.
Posted by: Justin | June 17, 2008 at 07:36 AM
Alan practices what the leftist gay community preaches. They're all about diversity as long as you are reading off the approved talking points and embracing their brand of diversity.
Posted by: RBinWeHo | June 16, 2008 at 01:22 PM