While in LA last weekend, I played a dice game called, "LCR." It's a fun, sipmle gambling game in which you roll three dice, each labelled with an L, a C, an R and a dot - and depending on the roll, you either keep your money or give it away. In a big group, it can be a lot of fun - and you're never out of it until the game is truly over. Given how much I love to gamble for three or four dollars, this was perfect (of course, in one of the two games I played, I was the last person knocked out of the $45 pot. Curses!)
This is worth a laugh: I hadn't heard of the LCR game until I saw it mentioned on your site a couple weeks ago. (Odd because a growing branch of my business is card game development--but I can't be expected to keep up on everything, can I?) Anyway, I saw your mention of the LCR game and I immediately assumed (with a wrinkle of confusion on my forehead) that Log Cabin Republicans had developed their own game. I clicked on the link then quickly realized my assumption to be totally wrong, yet the moment of confusion still cracks me up. I can't help but LOL about the idea. It could be a role-playing game where players assume the identities of Patrick Guerriero or Steve May and HRC cards drain your hit points. Or, perhaps, a "classic version" would test players' ability to force Bob Dole to accept their checks. Ahh, life is too funny. I'd buy that game.
Posted by: Luke July | March 20, 2005 at 03:03 PM